What can Burnett Global Education Limited do for me, my students and my school?
We have over 40 years experience of providing impartial career advice and guidance at Burnett Global Education Limited, and with Rebecca and Marcus both having experience of Heads of Sixth Forms, Heads of Careers and HE Co-ordinator’s within independent schools, they understand the importance of good quality advice and guidance, as well as the limitations upon Heads of Careers, schools and indeed students throughout the academic year.
We believe it is important for students to be aware of all choices open to them, and having experience within the international university sector for over 12 years, our expertise and guidance is readily available to Heads of Careers/Heads of 6th Form, students and schools in general. We are here to support you as much being a wealth of knowledge for students and parents.
We work closely with you, your school, the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) in respect of applications to the international universities we represent. The process is kept tight and uncomplicated, which ensures a smooth transition for all concerned.
Marcus and Rebecca spend much of their time visiting schools, delivering presentations to students and attending school careers/HE fairs. Bringing a choice of over 40 different international universities and Gap Year providers in one visit to a school, provides students with a vast amount of information can take away with them.
We are more than happy to discuss any ideas you may have, where you believe the services of Burnett Global Education Ltd would be an advantage.
Is there a cost to my school for your services?
Is there an opportunity for me to visit some of the universities Burnett Global Education Ltd represent?
Yes. We encourage Heads of Careers/Heads of 6th Form to visit the universities we represent to see the campuses for themselves. We feel it is important you take up the opportunity to visit some of our universities, as these visits are not only a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the excellent opportunities for your students; but it is also a great networking tool for Heads of Careers / Heads of 6th Form from independent schools. Burnett Global Education Ltd will be more than happy to organise for you to visit to any of the campuses Burnett Global Education Ltd represent.